Each vertical has its very own
unique descriptive language.
Impress a vertical by knowing
their unique industry problems.
No1. Sell
to verticals.
  Know the name and number of
all prospects in a vertical market.
Some do's.
Embrace for continued success.

Think logos are important.
Spend time getting it right.
Change if it is not working.
Use on every touch point.
Make it look confident.

And don'ts.
Ignore at your corporate peril.

good design.
Stick with a bad design.
Tell staff it doesn't matter.
Tell clients it doesn't matter.


          A good corporate design appeals to its
target audience.
          The design process does not start with the
design, that will more than likely end up with a
logo that pays no attention to the likes or dislikes
of the target audience.
          Our process starts with the uniqueness
of the client and profiling their target audience.
          Start with the basics and everything starts
falling confidently into place as you design.
          We have designed the corporate images
and product brands for a disparate client array.
From Sage, Pinnacle, IBM, the Catholic Church,
the business travel division of British Airways,
trademark attorney, phone company, architects,
business advisory firms, defence contractor,
transport firms, outdoor clothing company, law
firms, accountants, and property developers.
          Once we have completed a corporate
image we can then give you all the Word doc
templates for your stationery including invoices
and statements, and then apply the new image
to your marketing collateral, your building, your
packaging, and your web site.
          All done in-house, all touched by the same
hands, so the message you take to the market

place is cohesive, consistent, and remembered.
Logos are incredibly important. Every day
we read of one logo buying another for a vast,
often unimaginable sum.
          All this corporate bustle attributed to a simple
corporate logo that we can instantly conjure up,
materialising between our sparking synapses.
          Are logos really that instantly simple?
          Perhaps just a few lines and fashionable
colours hodgepodged together?
          These mini things are representations of
often massive corporations, just a little compressed.
          Each can sometimes be as much as a global
head office spread of fifteen acres squeezed into a
web plot just fifteen ico file pixels square.
           Every touch point with others, from posting
an invoice, to wrapping a parcel, to getting a web
site hit promotes your corporate image.
          Get it right and the rewards can be immense.
          It has to appeal to your market, it has to look
good printed on stationery, must look good when
reduced for a web site, and enlarged for signage.
          Logos can certainly look simple, but the long
process in getting them right is certainly complex


Telephone +61 2 8356 9799.
Happy to talk about the quality and resolve we can duly apply.
Marshall Group.

In brief.
a. To design a corporate image that is successful within its intended market it must be built up from the fundamental uniqueness of the client, not built around a current design fashion.
b. Corporate logo design is incredibly important when trying to appeal and sell to a market, or when rewriting and reinvigorating the impression of a staid corporation.
c. Logos must work on every touch point from card to building signage.


Only genuine inquiries. Here.

No hawkers or canvassers allowed.


Both words and style copyright protected.
This page last fiddled with in October 2020.

  Writing and designing should be
done to a profile, not a fashion.
No new design software can
either write or design for you.
No2. Ads
and print.
  The need for print ads has not
faded but the role has changed.
Good design sells as long as it
fits right in and does not shout.
No3. Logo
and image.
Profile intended visitors seeking
appeal, information, even both.

No4. Web
site builds.