Each vertical has its very own
unique descriptive language.
Impress a vertical by knowing
their unique industry problems.
No1. Sell
to verticals.
  Know the name and number of
all prospects in a vertical market.

Some do's.
Embrace for continued success.

Know prospects by name.
Know their contact details.
Get salespeople selling.
Stop wasting money.
Build short term pipeline.
Build long term pipeline.

And don'ts.
Ignore at your corporate peril.

Ignore lead generation.
Think it is too expensive.
Think it is not systematic.
Think it can't be repeated.
Think it can't succeed.



          Put an ad in a newspaper or a magazine
and the next step is waiting.
          You do not know if anyone has read the
ad and you would certainly not have their name,
position, company they are working for, address,
telephone number and a listing of all the other
senior managers and directors that are in their
decision making team.
          Put an ad in a newspaper or a magazine
and you can be so sure that all these different
people have not read your ad.
          And will not, so stop waiting for the calls.
          If we are doing your vertical marketing one
of the first deliverables is initial current-to-the-day
entries of an xls database of all senior managers
and directors in the vertical you are about to target,
in the country you are about to target.
          No more hit and miss marketing.
          We will give you the names of all those
you want to sell to. One vertical, ten, or more.
          We will give you the names of the people
who will be using what you sell as well as those
who will be deciding on what to buy.
          No more excuses.

          No more salespeople complaining they
have not got any leads.
          No more marketing suits complaining they
have not got the budget to get to all their targets.
          No more directors complaining they have
not got a plan.
          If we are doing your vertical marketing you
will also be briefed on the meetings the members
of that vertical will be gathering at each month,
and you will be speaking at many of them.
          You will be invited to attend the monthly
special interest group discussions, and you will
be invited to create your own series of lunch or
breakfast seminars.
          Your marketing collateral will promote your
deep knowledge of the problems in the vertical,
and clearly explain your solutions.
          Your firm and its salespeople will be seen
as trusted insiders, not just a pushy lot trying to
shoehorn a generic solution to fit all comers.
           And without any ads for your competition
to read and glean what you are up to, you will be
confidently selling to a vertical with no competitors
in sight.
          You will know each of your prospects by
name and they will know and respect you


Telephone +61 2 8356 9799.
Happy to talk about the quality and resolve we can duly apply.
Marshall Group.

In brief.
a. The database of all the senior decision makers in a vertical will be accurate to the day of delivery.
b. With a database of those who are confirmed prospects in a vertical your sales team will have years of leads to approach and sell to.
c. To keep the sales team constantly busy you can methodically add more verticals to approach.


Only genuine inquiries. Here.

No hawkers or canvassers allowed.


Both words and style copyright protected.
This page last fiddled with in October 2020.

  Writing and designing should be
done to a profile, not a fashion.
No new design software can
either write or design for you.
No2. Ads
and print.
  The need for print ads has not
faded but the role has changed.
Good design sells as long as it
fits right in and does not shout.
No3. Logo
and image.
Profile intended visitors seeking
appeal, information, even both.

No4. Web
site builds.