Each vertical has its very own
unique descriptive language.
Impress a vertical by knowing
their unique industry problems.
No1. Sell
to verticals.
  Know the name and number of
all prospects in a vertical market.
Some do's.
Embrace for continued success.

high quality ads.
Use ads to build web traffic.
Use ads for verticals.
Use ads with associations.

And don'ts.
Ignore at your corporate peril.

Ignore the reach of ads.
Use just one medium.
Ignore marketing data.
Ignore advertising data.


          The nano second after the switch to the
internet was forever flipped to on, aghast sales
executives for newspapers and magazines the
world over were in full spin telling all that the
print ad sky was not falling.
          The were right.
          But for the wrong reason.
          Just like the British Post Master General
who predicted the end of letters when he saw
the first telephone, the sales executives should
have waited a year or two for the lively vessel
called marketing to right itself.
           Ads use to be bought by the column acre
and filled with appealing text and images to make
you buy.
          War was waged between the columns of
editorial. The bigger the ad the more space for
endless comparisons of features with Product B,
and the bigger the image of finally contented,
proud owners of a new Product A.
          The final battleground for your company
or household budget is no longer the print ad.
          The print ad now is the look-at-me sign
post directing you to a web site where all your
needs and desires will be satiated by the quick
application of a mouse over, and a credit card.
          The print ad execs need not have spun
themselves out like a top forty 45rpm at a long
weekend dorm party.
          Their future was assured, but it is a very
much different future than the one they envisaged.
          Back then gross circulation figures were king.
          Today, target prospect information and
databases are king, queen, court, and country.
          Back then success was Monday morning
and the postie delivering a desk
top swamping of
freshly clipped coupons, wanting you to post
them a still ink wet brochure.
          Today, success is a twenty-four hour report
on web sales, boost in traffic through your stores.
          No longer is it coupons.
          No longer is it even hits on your site.
          Today it is all about sales. No sales, no
          Ads are now all about priming people to buy,
and letting them know the http:// address where a
heavy carat weight experience is waiting for them.
          A sales pitch that was once crammed into the
size of breakfast plate, and often hidden by one,
is now a blinking sign pointing www-to-blissville


Telephone +61 2 8356 9799.
Happy to talk about the quality and resolve we can duly apply.
Marshall Group.

In brief.
a. The dramatic fall in cost means it is now viable to use them to flag down those prospect who haven't googled you or to be a catalyst for interest.
b. The cost in specialist vertical industry magazines has fallen too so a monthly series of double page or gatefold ads educating a targeted vertical on who you, and what you sell, is affordable to run before you systematically approach each director using our vertical databases.


Only genuine inquiries. Here.

No hawkers or canvassers allowed.


Both words and style copyright protected.
This page last fiddled with in October 2020.

  Writing and designing should be
done to a profile, not a fashion.
No new design software can
either write or design for you.
No2. Ads
and print.
  The need for print ads has not
faded but the role has changed.
Good design sells as long as it
fits right in and does not shout.
No3. Logo
and image.
Profile intended visitors seeking
appeal, information, even both.

No4. Web
site builds.