Each vertical has its very own
unique descriptive language.
Impress a vertical by knowing
their unique industry problems.
No1. Sell
to verticals.
  Know the name and number of
all prospects in a vertical market.

Some do's.
Embrace for continued success.

Induct new staff.
Support new staff.
Give staff the skills.
Give staff the knowledge.
Give staff the support.

And don'ts.
Ignore at your corporate peril.

Think staff can just do it.
Push staff to just do it.
Think support is a waste.
Think training is a waste.


          A company with a dive in sales usually
goes through a few more less than graceful pikes
and twists before the inevitable bellyflop.
          In no particular order of panic these extra
acrobatic manoeuvres are listed below.
          a. Disbelief and carry on for the next sales
quarter and hope things will improve.
          b. Things do not improve so then the area
sales managers are sacked.
          c. Sacking the country sales director.
          d. Sending the entire sales team to a pricey
weekend sales leadership course.
          e. Sacking the entire sales team.
          f. Asking new ad agencies to pitch.
          g. Sacking the marketing director.
          h. Announcing a restructure in the hope
that the board and the stakeholders will mistake
activity and a ten fold increase in paperwork for
actually doing something about declining sales.
          All of which is rather unnecessary.
          Robust sales figures do not just decide to
go into an increasingly vertical dive position all
by themselves.
          Look for any recent changes or unsupervised
staff inductions in your company.
          Like in the marketing department.
          We have worked with many, many marketing
departments over the years, and have yet to find
a single one lacking in enthusiasm, lacking the
willingness to put in the long hours, or is not staffed
by people wanting to do good.
          When sales dive, we invariable find newly
hired staff suddenly tasked with creating marketing
collateral and a web site are trying to do so without
the necessary briefing, experience, or skill.
          Where this experience, or skill, is something
they could not possess unless they had spent an
inquisitive lifetime in their position.
          A fresh thirty year old marketing staffer can
not match our thirty-four year experience.
          No amount of money spent on the very
latest design and layout software can impart a
generation of marketing experience.
          We can certainly help here.
          For many firms we are tasked with mentoring
their young marketing staff, giving them layout
design templates, giving them messages to use,
and giving them a briefing on their target audience.
          Such mentoring is something we enjoy doing
and are just as happy to guide, as create anew


Telephone +61 2 8356 9799.
Happy to talk about the quality and resolve we can duly apply.
Marshall Group.

In brief.
a. Robust sales figures don't go into a dive on their own, usually the free-fall starts with new hired staff getting the marketing messages all wrong.
b. Marketing staff, especially young ones, need to be properly inducted.
c. We can provide such initial and ongoing support with market briefings, ebrochure templates, corporate design templates, and mentoring of tasks.


Only genuine inquiries. Here.

No hawkers or canvassers allowed.


Both words and style copyright protected.
This page last fiddled with in October 2020.

  Writing and designing should be
done to a profile, not a fashion.
No new design software can
either write or design for you.
No2. Ads
and print.
  The need for print ads has not
faded but the role has changed.
Good design sells as long as it
fits right in and does not shout.
No3. Logo
and image.
Profile intended visitors seeking
appeal, information, even both.

No4. Web
site builds.