Each vertical has its very own
unique descriptive language.
Impress a vertical by knowing
their unique industry problems.
No1. Sell
to verticals.
  Know the name and number of
all prospects in a vertical market.

Some do's.
Embrace for continued success.

Believe data is safe here.
Rely on our discretion.
Trust our digital security.
Trust our physical security.

And don'ts.
Ignore at your corporate peril.

Think they care about you.
Think all offices are secure.
Think bin trash is secure.
Ignore industrial espionage.
Ignore theft by competitors.


          This web site strictly adheres to both the
Australian and International laws governing data
on individuals, and corporate entities.
          Easily said, and said by all, but what does
it really mean?
          Well, unfortunately both the Australian and
International laws on the gathering, storage, and
use of data are rather half-a-spoon-tea weak.
          So onto some specifics on how we ensure
the privacy of all those we come in contact with
is assured.
          Your permission to add a cookie from this
web site to track what you get up to while here
is not needed. Not at all. No cookies are served.
          Your permission to capture your address
on the net, and then to compare it with the net
address database to find out who you are is
also not needed. Again, not at all.
          No data on your address is captured.
          Any email address you use when you
contact us is not given, sold, or rented to any
other party.
          Nor is it added to an emarketing list even
for our own use. We do not use one.

          And so to the non-digital side of our own
privacy policies.
          If you give us a business card, all that data
is only stored in our email address book.
          It is not given, sold, or rented to anyone,
even a list provider. Nor is it added to our own lists
for vertical markets.
           When we check the spelling of an email to
you, by printing out our draft, that copy with your
address and perhaps details of your marketing
activities, and possibly our financial arrangements
is torn up after checking, or filed away.
          It is not simply thrown in the trash for a
snoop to find later when rummaging through a
tempting dumpster on the sidewalk.
          Same with a printed copy of any web site,
or ebrochure we may be working on for you.
          Each is torn up if not being filed away.
          Is all this avoidance of leaks and theft really
          Simply put, simply yes.
          Because how you design your go-to-market
can be just as big a strategic advantage as how
you design your products, or services.
           Your competition will not learn a skerrick of
your plans from us


Telephone +61 2 8356 9799.
Happy to talk about the quality and resolve we can duly apply.
Marshall Group.

In brief.
a. We have acted on the intent of both Australian and International laws governing information privacy.
b. No information on visitor identity or behaviour while visiting this site is captured in any form.
c. No information given during the course of business or discussion is gifted, rented, or sold to third parties, or added to the vertical industry databases we keep updated.


Only genuine inquiries. Here.

No hawkers or canvassers allowed.


Both words and style copyright protected.
This page last fiddled with in October 2020.

  Writing and designing should be
done to a profile, not a fashion.
No new design software can
either write or design for you.
No2. Ads
and print.
  The need for print ads has not
faded but the role has changed.
Good design sells as long as it
fits right in and does not shout.
No3. Logo
and image.
Profile intended visitors seeking
appeal, information, even both.

No4. Web
site builds.